Friday, 26 April 2013

Funny how there are days that you can be so strong in the Spirit. That there are things that you have dealt with, let go of and left at the foot of the cross. And then out of absolutely nowhere, that thing comes back with such a fleshy craving, it feels like a physical force that is going to crush you!
I have given up smoking and drinking and drugs 1 year and 6 months ago. I am delivered and clean by the grace of God alone. No rehab, no therapy, just clean and off. It's a miracle I KNOW.
Today at work we are having a farewell for a colleague who is going on retirement. I work for an alcohol company and this does not bother me in the least. Drinking, no thanks.
However, today, in this normal insignificant in my life day, I had such an intense craving for a cigarette that it felt it was a physical thing, crushing me from the inside out. I have never felt such a thing in my life before. I made a call to my best friend, brother in Christ and Confidant - my husband Niven Maree. He is so amazing and strong and the best thing that has ever happened to me. By God's grace, I have the best husband in the world.
I called him, but couldn't speak openly to him at the time as there were other people in my office. I sent him a text message to tell him how I was feeling and what I was going through. God has given him wisdom - liberally - he didn't chastise me or lecture me, he just understood and prayed for me. He told me that my God is greater than the flesh craving I was experiencing and that I should pray too. He said to give it over to the Lord.

I did.

The craving went away.

The devil is a liar. He tried to make me feel as though my flesh craving was so great, I couldn't handle it. He was right. I couldn't handle it. But I have awesome support and the Holy Spirit inside me that is my strength and my salvation. Without God I am nothing. I can do nothing. And HE promised me that in my weakness He will be at His strongest. That was proven to me again today.

Thank you God. I love you. I am grateful to you for Niven, my support and my friend and the love of my life.
Thank you Jesus for your gift of the Holy Spirit in me.
I love you. Amen

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Bad Apple

'You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.'
I believe this is written for young believers. To show us how MUCH larger our God is than the troubles of this world. Greater than the deceiver, the liar and destroyer. Greater than the lie that - its ok to do what u wanna. NO! It is not ok! We are called to be obedient to God's commandments and His word! How can we even begin to think that what we are going through is a surprise to God? I'm sure the disciples must have thought God was super surprised when Jesus was crucified! They must have thought He was looking the other way the day THAT happened. And yet, if we believe what is written in Holy Scripture, then it tells us that God called us by name before He created the Universe! He knew what you were up to and gonna get up to right from before the start of the start and He decided to love you and call you anyway! He decided that even in your vrottest state, you were still worth the life of His only Son! How great is the love that chooses that?! Knowing ALL the disgusting, embarrasing, dirty rotten vrot things that NOBODY else knows. He knows! He knows the deepest part of the darkest heart. And YET, we are called to love Him, because HE LOVED US FIRST. Now if that truth has not yet sunk into your Spirit, then maybe ur not as vrot as me. Maybe I have more to be forgiven for and so receive greater grace. But HE promises me, that HIS grace is sufficient for me. No matter what, He has enough for me. My God, My God. Why have you NOT forsaken me? Thank you Jesus. I owe you everything. My very breath, my existence, my ALL. I offer it all to you. I give it to you. I committ ALL I am and ALL I have to You Jesus. Who am I without you? NOBODY. Who am I in You? I am more than an overcomer. I am a little child, but I AM an overcomer, because greater is He that is in me, than he who is in the world. Amen. Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT.