Monday 11 March 2013

His Grace and Favour

Ephesians 1:4-6

This morning I was lead to Ephesians. I keep going back there. In this book there are so many wonderful truths and promises that it overwhelms me everytime I dwell on the Word.
These 3 little verses carry so much weight that if you just read it for the sake of reading, it will go by and you will not notice the significance at all.
In Vs 4 it tells me that I was chosen by GOD before He created the foundation of the world. What insanity is that?!! God knew who I was going to be, with all my failures and shortcomings and sin and rejection of Him, and He still chose me WAAAAYYYY back then! If that doesn't blow your mind, I'm not sure that much will!
He chose me to HOLY and BLAMELESS in His sight. He knew all my iniquity and He chose that one day, He would see me not as my fleshy worldly scary self, but that He would see His Son, Jesus Christ in me instead. Holy and Blameless. How can anyone look at me and see me to be blameless? Not even I see myself as blameless. But who am I to go against GOD?
The next verse talks of how he predestined me to be adopted into His family. If you think about it, that makes Jesus my big brother. Who can ask for a better big brother than the saviour of the world! When I speak to my Father in heaven, I am allowed to call Him ABBA (daddy) because of the sacrifice of my older brother. I dont have to call Him Sir, or any other formal name, because the Blood of my big brother has paved the way for me to approach the throne of Grace directly and speak to His Father as my own.
BUT, we were NOT called because we are good enough or perfect. Who can ever attain such goodness or perfection? It is impossible in this human frailty and fleshy 'Eve-ness'. Rather we are called according to HIS favour and Grace. How awesome is this GOD who knows me, calls me by my name, knows all my sin and the deepest grossest parts of me and still calls me HOLY?
How can I not offer Him all the Glory and all the Praise and all my Worship every day of my life?! For all eternity! He is MY GOD. He is your GOD.
Will you listen to Him calling your name today? Will you answer Him and let Him call you Holy and Blameless? Let Jesus into your heart and offer Him your life. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He will always have your best interests at heart and He will always be your Grace.

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