Sunday 5 May 2013

It’s a New Dawn, it’s A New Day, and I’m feeling Fine!

Hello God, this morning was a nice surprise to see the stars so close and so clearly. The dawn of a new day with all its infinite possibilities. A day I have never experienced and never will again. What a unique opportunity. A time to be spent worshipping at your feet. This day that you have given me. What will we do with this day? Will we use it for fleshy things and waste the day away? Worry about tomorrow and not see the evidence of Joy around you right now? Will you while away the day and think about the day you will finally be happy when...(fill in what you’re waiting for?)

Or will you see God’s glory in your life today? Will you remember the verse in the Bible that says there is no need for the birds of the air to toil and yet they have enough food? Have you ever seen a skinny/anorexic pigeon? Find one, I dare you! Or the brilliance of the colours of the flowers and yet none of them weave to make clothing or worry about what they should wear. I dare you to find a dull weed or a lustreless wildflower.

In the Word of God we are exhorted to choose. Not once, but daily and every minute. We must choose life or death, flesh or Spirit. On this brand new day, with all the infinite possibilities, what will I do with this gift of God? Will I choose life?

Will I speak His name? Will I declare Jesus to be the Lord and Saviour of my life? Will I tell someone of His goodness to me? Or will I hide my light under a bushel and pretend not to know Him?

What do you want Him to do? If you want Jesus to acknowledge you before Abba father, recognise Him in your life today.

Praise God and worship Him in every, and ALL circumstances, be faithful to Him because He is ALWAYS faithful to us.


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