Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Good Wife

Ruth – The Book

In between Judges and Samuel is a book about 2 women. The book i see is about faithfulness and obedience to the Word of God. When a woman leaves her home to become a wife, she leaves her parents and is joined to a new family. He becomes one with her husband and so cannot be separated from his family. As we are in the world, join the church of God, we become the Bride of Christ and so cannot be removed from His family to cleave to ours. We obey His father in heaven and leave behind the world that we come from. This is a very IMPORTANT lesson to modern couples. Too often the women are sheltered and protected by their families to the extent that they never really leave and cleave to their husbands. They always have a safety net available to be there for them when things are too difficult and they do not WANT to biblically submit to their husbands.

Not to become slaves or subject to abuse. But to honour their husbands, and to give them the proper respect in the God-given authority in the home. This emasculates the man and turns upside down the proper order of the home.

A husband in turn MUST love his wife as Christ loves the church. And that’s a tough job!

Not only must you take responsibility, but you must love and forgive and love and forgive and nurture and adore and show her so much affection. Just think of how Jesus treats you and this gives you an idea of how a husband is to love his wife.

In this engagement, there is no space then for anger, swearing, jealousy, violence, abuse, deceit or separation.

In this type of relationship there are blessings and joy and God – who IS love! Where God is there can be no darkness because He brings the light.

This kind of love of love is selfless, abounding in hope and everlasting Joy!


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